Crummer Road says goodbye to historic twins

The two old villas at 18-20 Crummer Road are being demolished to make way for apartments — that’s right, more Grey Lynn character is heading to the landfill.

When I did the top sketch on Monday, demolition work had already begun, so the old girls were looking a bit forlorn with the windows and doors removed from their sockets, giving them a decidedly vacant stare.

Some of you will remember the two buildings as the Ashiana Indian Restaurant back in the 80’s. At some stage the two identical buildings were joined at the ground level allowing for one grand dinning room. In my memory the buildings have always made an exotic statement painted as they were in vibrant colour combinations.

I returned a few days later to get the sketch below, but I’d already missed the real action – I understand they both came down in just an hour or so. Wether you like the idea of losing heritage buildings to intensified housing or not you have to admit seeing demolition in action makes a very compelling sight.

Thanks to Jeanne for the heads-up that demolition has started.