I was challenged to join the 5 Day Art Challenge on Facebook recently by Maki Tanaka and Gabi Campanario. Even though it was my first week back at work I figured why not give it a go. It turned out to be quite an incentive anyway and I banged out 3 new images most days in the small Moleskine sketchbook, supplemented by a few old ones). Here are a few of them below, the result of a cycle along the waterfront on a hot afternoon...

The waka Haunui is in Orakei at the moment (along with the Tongan waka Gaualofa) for some work. I did a super quick sketch of them back in 2011 here as it departed Auckland on it's voyage across the pacific. I think you would have to be pretty brave to sail one of these to North America!
A classic Kohimarama view towards Rangitoto. People walking and cycling past while swimmers leisurely wade out to deeper water.
The cruise liner Voyager of the Seas was heading out of the harbor, but it wasn't hanging around so I had to work pretty fast. I took a shot on the phone so I could fill in some details later. I know there are bigger vessels out there, but this one blocked Devonport completely from view!