Watching Americas Cup Race 1

The Americas Cup is a big deal for some in New Zealand. For many it's a big deal because our government stumped up $36 million NZD to help our team attempt to compete against some of the wealthiest corporates in the sailing world when there are way, way more important issues that need financial help. For others, and they're not all sailing heads, it's money well spent - they just like to see us take on the world and maybe pull-off the improbable.

Today after all the years of planning, investment, training, designing, capsizing and court dramas we finally got to see if we have any chance of taking the cup out. After some exciting and ultra close racing - these enormous catamarans often 'foil' (they're basically airborne) at over 40 knots - it seems our boat might be just that little bit quicker taking out both of today's races. The adults in our household were pretty excited anyway as we watched the yachts zip up and down San Francisco Bay on TV with great views of Alcatraz and Golden Gate bridge. Clearly the racing isn't such a big deal to our children who kept themselves busy creating whole new lands in Minecraft.