Auckland Sketchbook is 3!

Quechua ladies and their babies
It's hard to believe but this month marks the third anniversary of Auckland Sketchbook!

Yep, 3 years and 182 posts, covering everything from the Santa Parade, netball on the North Shore, the destruction of heritage buildings, the opening of the Wynyard Quarter, roadworks in Newton, classic cars in Te Atatu, Taro at the Otara Market, the 2011 Rugby World Cup and a sleepover at the Orakei Marae.

I'd like to celebrate with these sketches from a trip to South America in 1999. They aren't relevant in any way to this post whatsoever, but today it's bucketing down in Auckland, so why not think of somewhere more exotic eh? This trip got me sketching again after a long break though, so maybe it is?
The Rio Urubamba viewed from Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu on the left

Aguas Caliente, the town below Machu Picchu.