Merry Christmas!

After all the hooha this year over Christmas parades and Santas I, like most Kiwis, are feeling pretty jaded on the subject. 

First there was the funding of the Auckland Christmas parade, then the fuss over the fired Auckland parade Santa over his comments on the dim prospect of a female Santa ever headlining the parade some day. Then, a Māori Santa appeared at the Nelson Christmas Parade, he was draped in a red korowai rather than a red cape and he set talkback radio and news media alight even more!

There was also the funding of the Farmers Santa, with building developers Mansons eventually stepping in to help fund this one above (sorry Mansons, I left your branding off so I could show Santa's boots in best effect).

The debate is still bumbling on with calls to reinstate the below Santa's winking eye and come hither finger action – features that were removed years ago as they were deemed creepy.

My Last attempt to draw this Santa was way back in 2010 and like the all the drama around Santa each year, I'll probably be back to draw him again too. He's just too big, red and spectacular to ignore.